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New product and news from SIP

New product and news from SIP

Hello, I'm back from my trip to India. We had a very informative time visiting the factory that makes my product. I was delighted with what I learned about the factory's operations (including how responsibly they treat their employees) and deeply appreciated all the kindness shown to us (my husband and daughter traveled with me). We visited several different factories - each with a unique skill and have a renewed understanding about the many steps needed for producing each product. There are so many people involved - it is truly an amazing dance of the collective.   I am pleased to say that the factory is part of a credited social accountability program called the Ethical Trading Initiative. Not only is the quality great but I witnessed a lot of genuine caring and beautiful humanity. This made me very happy! My past trips to India have never touched my heart like this one.   AND!!! New product just arrived. Please check out my new Sea Tote, La Roque Summer Tablecloth and Napkin, Joyful and Bloom Tea Towels, The Happy Hummingbird Pillow cover (with fun reverse print) and two new organic cotton scarves called Katie and Westerham. You might also have missed the new mini clutch bags from a few months ago.   On another note - in my haze of jet lag I managed to break a toe and it's not healing as well as I had hoped. I missed the Danville market this weekend with strict instructions to rest and ice. For those in the East Bay Area, next weekend June 4-5, we will be at the Walnut Creek Art and Wine Festival Space 271. Please stop by! Other show dates are listed in my last blog post or you can contact me directly.   Wishing you much to sing about! xo Julia

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It's different times right now for sure but such an opportunity to individually and collectively shine!

In today's times, we can't (yet) control this virus but we can control our fear and choose to focus as much as possible on the positive. We can allow a situation to floor us or see it as a wonderful opportunity to challenge ourselves both individually and collectively to shine.

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Nature in the Wine country as design director! COLOR COLOR COLOR!!!!

The colors in nature always amaze me but there is something about whole fields of color that really take my breath away. In England the spring/early summer is graced by the Rapeseed fields that blanket the country side north to south. Here in California it's the Mustard fields that drape the rainy days (which we so need) with amazing color. They create stripes in the vineyards and beautifully define the architecture of the land. Check out our SIP organic cotton designer towels showing homage to this magnificence! We are wine country lifestyle inspired for sure!  

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Merry Merry!

Hello and Merry Merry to one and all! Here we are sleighing steadily towards Christmas Day and skating as fast as we can to complete our SIP holiday DELIVERIES!  We are brimming with delight as we had a fabulous first year here at SIP! It is lovely to be connected to so many people who are interested in being gentle with the impact we have on our planet. Every little THING helps! We are especially proud that our Organic Kitchen Towels and Accessories are imagined, designed produced and constructed in an ethical way. The factories we use treat their workers with respect AND we feel very lucky to have such partnerships. SIP loves to do ITS part to keep our planet beautiful! While reflecting on 2016, we would also like to acknowledge the wonderful businesses, friends and family who have so generously supported and encouraged our dream. We are thrilled to see what 2017 will bring! Come along for the ride and visit us at to keep up with all our news.

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SIP is celebrating!

Hello! We are very excited to announce our New Collection of Wine Country Lifestyle Kitchen towels!  Here is a preview pic. To kick off our celebration we are FREE USA SHIPPING from now until September 2016 on all Retail Sales! Yes, you heard correctly. Pop over to our online store at and bag yourself a bargain. You can shop our current collection and pre-order our new collection which will ship in July 2016. Looking forward to seeing you online!    

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SIP Brand.....not corporate!

SIP Brand.....not corporate!

One of the things we discovered during our selling spree in Wine Country is the different approach Wineries and Gift Shops. How they interact with their customers and present their products. Many of the Wineries and even some shops have a definite corporate feel. When it comes to their gift selection they only want to promote their brand. We get it! We want to promote our brand too. However, we are coming to realize that our brand will never be corporate if we can help it. It's just not the style for SIP. We always want to keep a personal touch and captivate our customers with our attention to detail. We have been hand painting little thank you cards for the Buyers. Adding a personal message of appreciation. There is an art to making everyone feel seen, heard, appreciated and tended to. We are committed to doing our best to practice this art. It adds to our enjoyment too!    

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