Merry Merry!

Hello and Merry Merry to one and all!
Here we are sleighing steadily towards Christmas Day and skating as fast as we can to complete our SIP holiday DELIVERIES! We are brimming with delight as we had a fabulous first year here at SIP! It is lovely to be connected to so many people who are interested in being gentle with the impact we have on our planet. Every little THING helps!
We are especially proud that our Organic Kitchen Towels and Accessories are imagined, designed produced and constructed in an ethical way. The factories we use treat their workers with respect AND we feel very lucky to have such partnerships. SIP loves to do ITS part to keep our planet beautiful!
While reflecting on 2016, we would also like to acknowledge the wonderful businesses, friends and family who have so generously supported and encouraged our dream. We are thrilled to see what 2017 will bring! Come along for the ride and visit us at www.sipgoods.com to keep up with all our news.